Pre-Purchase Inspection in Naples, FL

If you're buying a used car in Naples, Marcus Island or Bonita Springs, FL, or in the surrounding area and need a pre-purchase inspection, the auto mechanics at Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair is the right team for you. Our auto repair team will inspect every inch of your car and document our inspections with photos. Next, on our pre-purchase inspection task list, we'll test drive the vehicle. Finally, it's time to put the car through our diagnostics and look for signs of problems either in the past or that may come up. Normal wear and tear are noted.

We put people's relationships first at Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair, and your safety is our first concern. That's why we're the right choice for a pre-purchase inspection. We also like to keep your wallet happy and want you to know if you're making a safe, economical choice with your used car purchase.

Our pre-purchase inspection will tell you the actual condition of the car. This can help prevent you from buying a problematic car, or give you bargaining power to renegotiate the price. The auto repair team at Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair in Naples, FL, will also be able to tell you what repairs are needed in the future. Our technicians often find and prevent problems that other places have missed, like this happy client who wrote this testimonial below:

"I'm glad I chose to bring my truck to Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair. We brought our truck in to get an oil change, alignment, and tire balancing so we would be ready for our vacation the next weekend and pull our travel trailer. The truck had a shake when going over 75mph (the reason for balancing). We had been told by other companies over the year that it was just the tires and there were no major problems. Come to find out the tire wall had been separating and was causing the shake. Gloria let us know right away (and was concerned because we have a baby on the way) so we also replaced the tires. So grateful they caught this before our vacation or more importantly before anything major happened (my wife drives the truck most of the time). We will be bringing our truck to Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair from now on. Thank you for keeping my family safe!" -- Troy G.

Call us today at (239) 404-7589 or schedule an appointment if you need a pre-purchase inspection. Happy Wallet Quality Auto Repair is located at 3661 Mercantile Ave., #A, Naples, FL. Let us help you make an informed decision about your vehicle purchase!

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